November Events Calendar

Canyonville Christian Academy raises up worship teams yearly lead by Jim & Cori Burkhert

Get your November Calendar

November is upon us here in Oregon as the weather gets cooler and the leaves have all changed color.  1st quarter is now behind us.  Students by now have made lots of friends and participated in sporting events and some fun activities.  But November is usually the time when homesickness finally hits the students.  If you’re a parent, this is a good time to encourage your son or daughter to push onward and work hard because Christmas break is just around the corner.

This month we have Spiritual Emphasis Week where guest speakers come to chapel and students focus on the importance of their faith.  It’s always a refreshing time!  Here in America we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday.  Students will return home or visit relatives while others will participate in the CCA sponsored Thanksgiving trip to Seattle.

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