Christmas is around the corner!

Student Center at Canyonville Christian Academy, in southern Oregon. Canyonville, has an International Boarding school

December Has Arrived!

The campus has been decorated with Christmas lights, ornaments, trees and a manger scene in front of the gym.  For some of our students, this is their first time celebrating the Christmas season.

Students are back from a few days off for the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving.  Many of the students went on the CCA trip to  San Francisco, California where they enjoyed Six Flags amusement park with some wild roller coasters and really short lines.  Their trip also included a night time tour of San Francisco, an all day excursion of San Francisco with trolley car passes.  The students also experienced lots of shopping on Black Friday.  They returned saying that they had a lot of fun.  Other students went home for this traditional holiday.

Speaking of traditions, it is basketball season at Canyonville Christian Academy!!  The first weekend in December, CCA is sponsoring a basketball tournament.  It should be a great opening for the 2013-2014 season.  The CCA Pilots are ready for an exciting season of basketball.  We will post photos of the tournament and also of our cheerleading team.

This is a shorter month due to the Christmas break that begins on December 20th.

Get your events calendar today!

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