Announcing Our Brand New Alumni Website!

Canyonville Academy Alumni Visit Campus

You might have seen some previews of it before this, but we’re finally ready to launch our brand new Canyonville Academy Alumni website! This new website is integrated with our main website allowing easy access, and familiarity. The website has been redesigned from the ground up to offer our Alumni what they want from a website. It chronicles their time spent here at Canyonville Academy.

Click Here To Visit The New Alumni Website!

You can click or tap above to go directly to the brand new home page. If you’d like to learn more about what the site will offer, let’s go over some of the coolest features of the website.


We have thousands of photos available on our website, currently organized by school year. Finding photos of your class has never been easier! Currently, we have many more photos of the past two decades. If you have photos you’d like to share, we would love to have them to add to our collection!

Contact Information Forms

We’ve made it very easy to contact our Alumni administration. Additionally, we’ve provided a useful form that will allow you to update or add your contact information in order to stay connected to your fellow Alumni and to Canyonville Academy.

If you have any thoughts, questions, suggestions or concerns about our new Alumni web page, we have a form at the bottom of the home page that will allow you to send any feedback you might have. Thank you very much for taking the time to look over our exciting new Alumni page. We hope it will allow you to keep in contact with your friends from school. And of course, keep up with news from Canyonville Academy Alumni.



  1. Brandon Kruk: May 20, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Hi I was wondering if there was a 2020 10 year reunion?

  2. William Holleman: April 2, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    Hello, wondering if there is going to be a 1981 40th Class Reunion planned???

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