Welcome To The First Week Of Boarding School!

boarding school, canyonville, oregon, international boarding school, christian academy, cba, canyonville bible academy

boarding school, canyonville, oregon, international boarding school, christian academy, cba, canyonville bible academy

Canyonville Christian Academy kicked off it’s welcome weekend with continental breakfasts, outdoor barbecues for lunch and dinner, Parent orientation, deans greeting new students, students settling in the dorms, and ending with it’s annual outdoor Welcome Weekend Church service on the front of the gym lawn.  The service started with Jim & Cori Burkhert leading in 3 songs of worship aided by Bill & Jami Burkhert on vocals, bass and drums.

boarding school, canyonville, oregon, international boarding school, christian academy, cba, canyonville bible academy

Following, Noel Schaak introduced alumni student Louis Liu (class of 2010) to share a few words.  Afterward Mr. Schaak shared a good message for all.  The service ended with Mrs Shaffer (class of 1941) dismissing the crowd with prayer.  Lunch was served shortly afterwards on the gym lawn.

The school week started with Student Orientation in the chapel where all the students gathered as teachers and classes were introduced.  Students were then sent to different rooms separated by class and given their course elective sheets to choose their classes.  This was followed up by registering for classes, getting assigned lockers, then a final meeting in the chapel for other announcements, ending the day with an ice cream social in the PX!  boarding school, canyonville, oregon, international boarding school, christian academy, cba, canyonville bible academy

The remainder of the week was normal adjustments to classes, schedules and dorm life. Sports practices have also begun with soccer, volleyball and cross-country as early fall sports.  Students are getting ready for sport games that are scheduled to start as early as this week!

The end of the week brings a traditional favorite – Jet Boating down the Rogue River!

boarding school, canyonville, oregon, international boarding school, christian academy, cba, canyonville bible academy

Friday is the day when the whole school body including teachers, staff and deans go on a Jet Boat excursion down the Rogue River in Southern Oregon.

 This is a fun-filled day spent on the river with the adventure of Jet Boats going down the scenic Rogue River.  This also includes a wonderful lunch at a very nice restaurant right along the shores of the Rogue. This is a great opportunity for all students, deans and teachers to get to know each other more and enjoy a relaxing day after a strenuous week of new adjustments. It is definitely a favorite time for all!





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